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Online Wellness workshops

Cost a concern? I'm offering 4 week
group-sessions to help relieve any
financial anxiety

Express Sessions - for the price of a Pilates class

ibs and pain management -
pick a time that works for you



Curious About Hypnosis but Not Ready to Fully Commit?

My 1-hour introductory sessions are the perfect way to dip your toes in the shallow end and explore the benefits of hypnosis.

Flexible Scheduling: I offer a variety of hourly sessions both during the day and evening, making it easy for you to find a time that fits your schedule. During these sessions, we'll begin to address your concerns and demonstrate how hypnosis can help.

Not Sure Yet? No problem! You can book a Discovery Call to talk through any questions or reservations you might have.

Ready to Take the Leap? Hit the button below to book a session that suits you. Take this step towards discovering a new, effective way to manage your symptoms and improve your well-being.

Starting Thursday June 27 @ 530pm AWST

Gut Buster - IBS 4 week program



Join me for a 4 week group program, delving into the world of mind-gut therapy and its role in managing symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). 🌱 Learn techniques rooted in the connection between the mind and the gut that can offer relief and improve your quality of life.

In this program, we'll explore the science behind mind-gut therapies and their effectiveness in alleviating IBS symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and discomfort. You'll gain valuable insights into practical strategies and complementary approaches to support your gut health journey.

Whether you are looking for relief from chronic digestive issues or simply curious about the mind-body connection, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn and improve. Don't miss out on this program and take control of your gut health and well-being.

Secure your spot today and start on a path towards better digestive health! 🌿

FodMAPS vs Hypnosis

If you suffer from IBS, you've likely heard of or tried the FODMAP diet. Monash University was instrumental in developing FODMAPs - and has also studied the impact of hypnosis as a treatment for IBS

The study showed hypnotherapy can reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by 70% in patients.

Interestingly, one of the study groups used both FODMAPs and hypnotherapy - and this group responded the worst. FODMAPs although successful can cause food anxiety. The clinical hypnosis approach to treating IBS focuses on the relationship between the gut and mind and works on helping you find tools to manage your stress and in turn your symptoms. Therefore it's not surprising the two approaches can clash.

The diagram below shows a typical cycle of what's happening between the mind and your gut when you're suffering symptoms

If you can relate to this cycle, hypnotherapy can help by empowering you to trust your body again - and start living with freedom. Clients also report a reduction in non-gut symptoms such as fewer headaches and back pain.

Our IBS treatment package includes 6 sessions, in which you'll learn simple breathing and mindful tools that will help minimise food anxiety and overall stressful triggers. Most clients see a reduction in symptoms after 3 sessions.

If you're ready to take control, contact me or book an appointment

IBS anxiety cycle
Mind Gut Hypnotherapy
Chronic Pain Management Hypnotherapy

Starting Thursday Aug 29 @ 530pm AWST



🌟 Discover the Power of Hypnotherapy in Chronic Pain Management! 🌟

Are you tired of constant pain dictating your life? Imagine reducing your pain from a debilitating 9 out of 10 to a manageable 2 out of 10! With our transformative 4-Week Chronic Pain Management Program, this can be your reality.

✨ What to expect:

  • Hypnotherapy Sessions: Expert-guided techniques to help reframe your pain experience.

  • Comprehensive Support: Weekly check-ins and a supportive community.

  • Proven Results: Clients have reported significant pain reduction, enhanced well-being, and renewed hope.

🗓️ Programme Highlights:

  • Week 1: Introduction to Hypnotherapy - Understanding the mind-body connection.

  • Week 2: Deepening the Practice - Advanced pain management techniques.

  • Week 3: Building Resilience - Coping strategies for long-term relief.

  • Week 4: Maintaining Progress - Tools for sustaining a pain-free life.

Hear from our participants: "I suffer chronic pain and have tried everything. Mia was able to help get it down from a 9/10 to 2/10" – C, 62

Don't let chronic pain control you. Take the first step towards a pain-free future. 🌈

👉 Sign up today and reclaim your life! 👈

Get out of the cycle

If you're suffering chronic pain, you're likely suffering with anxiety as well.


Couple that with feeling debilitated, bouts of depression, helplessness ("nothing I try works"), feeling consumed by the pain and/or not being able to see a bright future, it's no wonder it can seem like you'll never feel better again.


The Strategic Psychotherapy approach includes breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable tasks - that way you won't feel so overwhelmed, and you'll leave our sessions with a "you've got this" attitude.

Woman with happy gut
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